Monday, 9 November 2015

HURRAY....!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....................TODAY A GREAT LEGEND CAME INTO THE WORLD.
                                         THE GREAT SKY FACE A.K.A (SKY MAGIC)

"In the year 199... Lol At about 10pm in Kano teaching hospital. Mr and Mrs Michael Chukwuemeka gave birth to their last son and their last child of the family 
On that very day he was born into this world, something unforgettable rocked the Igbo's in the north, that was the day our Muslim brothers started killing and damaging both the life's and properties of the igbo's, my family was really affected.
But even with all this that happened on the day he was born, he never showed any sign of giving up. He stood his ground. That same spirit of not giving up has always been an in born talent. But he would have not been able to survival this whole struggle that has come his way. Starting from his birth till this very day, without the help of ‪#‎God‬ Almighty and also with the help and support of his family members.
On this very day with a heart full of joy and a life of great achievement I am proud to let all those who wish me well, that tomorrow is the day I was sent into this word to make a mark.
For All you who have helped me in one way or the other, am proud to say this that knowing you have been a blessing to my life, my mum, dad, brothers and sisters and all my lovely friends I love you all."
Eyaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,what a touching one.

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