Sunday, 20 December 2015

Watching the Best of Nollywood Awards

Best of Nollywood (BON), the event, is an annual awards show which started around 2009. As its name suggests, BON seeks to reward Nollywood actresses, actors and other practitioners. This year’s edition of BON took place in Ondo State, Sunday December 13. It had the creme de la creme (or the ‘who de la who’) of Nollywood in attendance. Host Governor Olusegun Mimiko was also on hand and he gave a heartwarming address which could be summed up as an affirmation of his love and support for the industry. And as ‘an unapologetic fan’ of Nollywood Governor Mimiko was wonderful host..
I joined the live broadcast of the awards on Hip TV, Dstv channel 324 around midnight as I’d been following the announcement of winners on social networking site-Twitter. You could say I was a late comer to the party. But from the little I saw of the event, it seemed like guests were having fun.Things didn’t appear stiff and stuffy as seen in many an award show in these parts. Turnout also appeared to quite substantial. All in all, I bet the organizers have given themselves a pat (or several pats) on the back for a generally good run for BON.
Anyhow, I could quibble about the ‘inappropriateness’ of the dressing of some Nollywood stars. While many, especially women, were glamorously turned out, a few looked like they were on their way to have a drink with the boys. Also, if I wanted I could raise one or two points about some of the winners like Tales Of Eve beating Hotel Majestic to ‘TV Series of The Year’. Plus, what was with people passing the mic like Usain Bolt and teammates in an IAAF relay event? A podium of sorts could’ve ensured the winners, at least, had a befitting place to stand to utter some words of acceptance. But that could be viewed as quibbling.
Notwithstanding, my main interest is the televised event, the quality of it, that is. As far as that goes, I’ll quibble as much as I want. I watched the show as earlier mentioned on HipTV for about an hour ‘till fade’-I think the show was replaced (rather unceremoniously) by another programme while musical artiste Adekunle Gold (real name Adekunle Kosoko) was performing. I suppose it became a case of free for all ‘Dance, Dance, Dance’.
And so speaking of the TV coverage of BON, my main grouse was with the quality of the visuals. There was a certain dark-ish hue/quality to them that I couldn’t fathom. It was as if pictures/shots had ‘contracted’. The stage appeared stretched. This made presenters of awards and presenters look shorter than their actual height. I’m sure there’s a better, a more technical way to explain this but you do get my drift?
Who was responsible for what viewers saw of the BON Awards 2015 on Hip TV, the station or BON organizers? If Hip TV, I’ve seen better coverage of live events on the channel. BON organizers? Didn’t look like it. Be that as it may, as a viewer, I couldn’t really care who’s in charge of TV coverage even if it’s my local video guy from my village Lampese. At the end of the day, all I want is a well-produced event.
Thus, I’ll like to suggest to BON organizers: Next time, be in charge of TV coverage and control what gets aired. After watching the House On The Rock organized ‘The Experience’ live (December 4, 2015), my faith has been restored: It’s possible to have everything (or most of it) viewers have yearned for in a live TV coverage: Clear, sharp pictures. Intelligent directing that helps the viewer follow the ‘story’. Ultimately, TV that transports you to the event. Actually, it gives you a better view because through the director, the cameras do the hard work for you as a viewer.
I appreciate the efforts of BON’s CEO Seun Oloketuyi and his team. It cannot be an easy task assembling such an impressive array of Nollywood stars outside of Lagos, Nigeria’s entertainment hub. The next challenge is to fine tune and control (quality) what’s beamed to the viewer.
After all, if we are talking about the Best Of Nollywood, what better way to show this than through a top notch TV coverage?

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